A Quick Report on My Sanity

April 2, 2009 at 8:11 pm 2 comments

I suffer from cine-vertigo.

As of 6pm tonight the PFF/CF will have been going on for exactly a week. By my count, and that’s including the gobs of screeners I imbibed prior to opening night, I’ve seen 63 movies. (And mind you, I was watching other films, too.) For the last month far too many of my days have been dedicated to three to six movies, watched in one battering ram of cinema. The above image sums up my demeanor quite nicely. Also, I look like Jimmy Stewart.

So, my wholly unprofessional self-diagnosed report on my sanity is this: crumbling but still plucky. I feel the burn, and I sense the wall right in front of me. And yet, intelligent designer as my witness, I will push through it. Also, I’ve officially begun walking out of unpromising movies, so that should make things easier. But if you spot me, please give me a hug.

In the meantime, let’s all take a seventh inning stretch, relax and enjoy the dulcet tones of Ian Anderson’s mightily-wielded flute:

Oh, and go see Summer Hours tonight at 7:15 at Ritz 5. It be rad.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Film Fest Picks and Such for Thursday, April 2 Reviews: In Which I Walk Out of a Movie for the First Time in Possibly Ever

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Shaun  |  April 3, 2009 at 12:58 am

    You’re a better man than I. My defeat finally came today, after yesterday’s six-movie day (Press screening in the morning, five fest films after.) I left the house twice this morning and couldn’t bring myself to get on the train, turned round and headed home. And today held what were probably the week’s best films – Hurt Locker, Boy Interrupted, and Summer Hours. But assured I’d see them at the Ritz later in the year, I crashed.

    But hold firm, and I’ll be back in the trenches with you tomorrow, fresh-faced and ready to say howdy to the Quays. Hmm… maybe we could finish the Bucket List trilogy with those guys…

  • […] and the ox moos off-camera. And I swear for a second I thought it was the man mooing. But then there might be a reason for that.) This isn’t exciting stuff, exactly, and Old Partner can at times feel endless to no real point; […]


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